
Before launching a new brand or product name, it is advisable to first check those names are available to register as trademarks. Novagraaf’s IP2Check service will enable you to quickly assess availability against a number of online trademark registries.

Please enter your chosen brand or product name below in order to search to see if the trademark is still available. You can also perform an advanced search by clicking on ‘advanced search’.

Please note

  • This searches for 100% identical matches only;
  • The results are indicative. Not all countries and/or for variants of the trademark can be verified with IP2Check – it only searches against the registries listed below;
  • IP2Check works with Internet Explorer version 8.0 and above, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome.

Better decisions with IP2Check

IP2Check consults the following online trademark and domain names registries:

  • The Benelux trademark registry (Benelux Office for Intellectual Property, BOIP). This registry includes all national trademark registrations that have validity in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Registration of your trademark in this registry provides protection in the entire Benelux.
  • The UK trademark registry (UK IPO). This registry contains all the trademark registrations managed by the UK IPO.
  • The European trademark registry (EUIPO). This registry contains all the trademark registrations under the rules of EUIPO. The European trademark registry offers you protection in all countries of the European Union.
  • The international trademark registry (World Intellectual Property Organisation, WIPO). This registry includes trademarks that are registered for countries that have acceded to this Convention and/or the Madrid Protocol.

Additional searches

IP2Check provides you with insight as to whether your desired trademark is still available in the four territories outlined above. But, what if you also want to check for availability in other territories? Novagraaf provides trademark availability searches in all jurisdictions and we can tailor our searches to the territories that are most important to you, including those registries that cannot be consulted by means of the IP2Check tool.

If you have any further questions about IP2Check or would like an additional search performed, please feel free to contact one of our specialists. They would be happy to assist you with the searching and registration of your trademarks. You can also contact us with questions about EasyIP using the contact form at the bottom of this page.
