Carole Roger
Trademark Attorney

Parijs office
A Trademark Attorney, Carole Roger focuses on both the creation of and adding value to IP rights (filing, portfolio evaluation, contracts) and in defending them (formal notice, opposition, confiscation, pre-litigation procedures, negotiations, administrative disputes, counterfeiting).
Carole is specifically responsible for defending major brands in the wine and agro-foodstuffs industry, as well as assisting Chinese and Korean agents requiring our firm’s services in France and the European Union. She works with national and international wine and spirits producers, distributors and retailers to ensure the protection and defence of their intangible assets through trademark, design, domain name and copyright law.
Carole holds a Masters degree in Business Law from the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, a DESS in High Tech Corporate Law from the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and is a graduate of CEIPI (Université de Strasbourg). She has been an IP consultant (trademarks and designs) and a Trademark Attorney at the EUIPO since 2003.
Carole began her career in IP in the trademarks department of Novagraaf in 1998. She supplemented her training in IP in Strasbourg, following an accelerated course in CEIPI modules for trademarks and designs in 2001. Carole has been a team leader at Novagraaf since 2012.
Carole is a member of APRAM (Association of Trademark and Design Law Practitioners) and IWLA (International Wine Law Association).
- Frans
- Engels
- Contracts
- Trademarks
- Designs and models
- Copyright
- Unfair competition
- Domain names
- Merken en domeinnamen
- Strategie
- Cosmetica & persoonlijke verzorging
- Dranken
- Levensmiddelen & levensmiddelentechnologie