Monitoring co-existence in a crowded market

Unlike trademark registration systems, which are national or regional by nature, the internet offers a global and potentially limitless market. Businesses with the same or confusingly similar company or product names can face a considerable challenge to mitigate the risks of brand confusion online. Markus Rouvinen explains how Novagraaf’s tailored approach to online brand protection was able to help a multinational life sciences conglomerate to enforce its rights and protect customers on the web.

The internet has given companies and their consumers access to a global market, but this can pose challenges for companies from different jurisdictions or industries that share the same or similar name. Trademark co-existence agreements enable companies with conflicting trademarks to agree and record terms for their co-existence; for example, an agreement not to move into the other party’s industry sector or market. While such agreements can keep a potential trademark dispute out of the courts, saving both businesses considerable time and money, they do not come without risks. The terms agreed upon can become outdated over time, particularly online, where geographic borders tend to fade away and technological change happens at a fast pace.

Through our bespoke online brand protection solution, Novagraaf was able to design a cost-effective monitoring and enforcement solution for a multinational life science and chemicals conglomerate.

Key areas of focus include: supervision online of a crucial co-existence agreement; safeguarding against potential genericide of trademark-protected chemical ingredients; and regulatory compliance in relation to the illicit sale of pharmaceutical products.

Discover more about our tailored solution by downloading the case study below.

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Les conditions juridiques de la mise en place d’une publicité comparative

La publicité comparative permet de comparer des produits ou services en utilisant les marques ou noms de concurrents, visant à objectivement montrer les avantages des produits pour stimuler la concurrence. Elle est licite sous certaines conditions strictes et doit éviter d’être trompeuse, dénigrante ou de créer de la confusion. Colombe Dougnac fait le point.

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Les conditions juridiques de la mise en place d’une publicité comparative
Blog Nova IP Hour

[Blog] L’OEB réduit la liste des Etats pouvant bénéficier d’une réduction de taxes pour la recherche internationale et l'examen préliminaire international

Le 3 juillet 2024, l'OEB a publié un communiqué révisant les critères donnant droit à des réductions de 75% des taxes de recherche internationale et d'examen préliminaire international en faveur à certains Etats. Cette mesure vise à promouvoir l'accessibilité au système international de brevets pour les inventeurs et les entreprises des pays en développement. Lire la suite

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[Blog] L’OEB réduit la liste des Etats pouvant bénéficier d’une réduction de taxes pour la recherche internationale et l'examen préliminaire international

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