IP isn’t always the first priority for a business preparing for an initial public offering (IPO); however, the sooner you start thinking about your IP assets, the better prepared you’ll be.
Preparing for an IPO? Don’t overlook your IP assets
Connecting trademarks and brands can enable IP owners to identify ways to save costs and build value. Maartje Broekmans explains how to match trademark and brand portfolios, assess gaps in protection and build a brand hierarchy with an IP audit.
Match, gap and build a brand hierarchy with an IP audit
Marketing teams and their legal advisers naturally differ in their approach to brand and trademark creation. The former often preferring product names that their more risk-averse legal colleagues consider too ‘descriptive’ from a trademark perspective. How do you find the right balance?
Brand and trademark creation: More than a description
How effective is your trademark portfolio? Discover how a trademark audit can support brands with an international presence or global expansion plans.
How a trademark audit can support a global brand
Discover what the trademark strategies of UEFA, Wimbledon, the Tour de France and the Olympics can tell us about the role of intellectual property in sports.
Intellectual property in sports: The race for trademark protection
In our white paper 'Best practices in trademark auditing: a practical guide', we set out the steps to take to put a trademark auditing programme in place that will help your business to streamline and exploit its portfolio.
Best practices in trademark auditing: Getting your rights in order
Defining an IP strategy will enable nascent companies to prepare effectively for their future growth. Colombe Dougnac from Novagraaf’s SME and Startup team explains where to start.
A guide to intellectual property protection for startups
Counterfeit issues can spike in the summer months, warns Mariëlle Hoffer. Protect your brand assets effectively this season by taking these two strategic actions.
Two actions to take to overcome counterfeit issues this summer
Reinforce your business's foundation by boosting your intellectual property (IP) awareness and knowledge. Join us to explore the fundamentals of IP law in a comprehensive and practical webinar.
[Webinar] Master the basics of IP: Unlock the power of your intellectual property
As the excitement builds for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, companies across the globe are eager to share their enthusiasm and support for the world's largest sporting event. But, is it possible to do that legally if you are not an official sponsor of the Games?
[Webinar] On your marks: How to face the IP challenges of the 2024 Olympic & Paralympic Games
Who is liable for the sale of counterfeit goods on e-commerce platforms, such as online marketplaces? In our 14 November webinar, our experts took a deep dive into EU case law on liability for the sale of counterfeit goods online and share monitoring and enforcement best practices for online marketplace brand protection.
[Webinar] Online marketplace brand protection: Who is liable for the sale of counterfeit goods?
Patents, trademarks, designs and other forms of intellectual property (IP) play a key role in the success of all modern businesses.
Capturing value: IP as a driver for investment