Tracking the impact of COVID-19 on IP professionals

For Novagraaf's roundtable last month, we gathered IP professionals from a range of industry sectors to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their IP strategies and operations. Download our white paper below to read the key findings from that discussion.

Research by NovumIP has revealed that 88% of IP professionals across the globe have felt the impact of the pandemic on their organisation, but the majority anticipate a strong recovery. That outlook differs by country, however, and between in-house and law firm respondents.

For our March roundtable, we brought together brand owners from across the EU to share their own experiences. Participants represented a range of industry sectors, from consumer technology to fashion, automotives, food and beverages, and the conversation focused on practical steps to take to better navigate the challenges of COVID-19 from an IP perspective, as well as to raise the profile of IP and its value within organisations. Download our white paper to read the highlights from that discussion, including advice on:

  • Navigating uncharted territory;
  • Online brand protection in a digital age;
  • Establishing return on investment;
  • Harnessing ‘Big Data’; and
  • Defining priorities for the next 5-10 years.

Download the full white paper 'Challenges and opportunities: The impact of COVID-19 on IP professionals' below.

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