Domain name portfolio management best practices

As gateways to online identities, domain names have evolved into critical assets for businesses of all sizes. They anchor virtual storefronts, foster customer engagement and signify trusted sources of information. However, as their importance has grown, so have the risks of cybersquatting, fraudulent schemes and other forms of bad-faith registration. Our latest white paper explores the strategic importance of domain names and provides practical approaches for mitigating risks and maximising value.
Domain names are far more than mere website addresses. They are a company’s storefront on the internet and key components of a brand’s identity, providing an online foundation for marketing, customer communication and operational stability. Whether serving as platforms for e-commerce or tools for digital marketing campaigns, domain names are integral to modern business operations.
Our latest white paper 'Domain name portfolio management: How to manage and defend your domain names and IP rights online' explores their strategic importance and provides practical guidance on integrating your domain name and trademark strategies and activities. It also provides guidance for detecting and handling abusive registration cases – whether as a trademark holder seeking to prove targeting and harm or as a domain registrant defending good-faith intentions and lawful use.
Download the white paper now to discover:
- How to build and manage a resilient domain portfolio.
- Best practices for aligning domain strategies with trademark management.
- Key insights to mitigate risks, such as cybersquatting, fraudulent schemes and other forms of bad-faith registration.
- Practical guidance for leveraging dispute resolution policies, such as the UDRP, URS and ADR.
- Effective enforcement strategies to protect your brand and combat domain misuse.
Download the white paper below to unlock actionable strategies to secure your online presence.