Is your anti-counterfeiting strategy up to scratch?

In our white paper 'Is your anti-counterfeiting strategy up to scratch?', we set out the steps to take to put an anti-counterfeiting strategy in place and provide answers to some frequently asked questions.

Counterfeit activity is a threat to all modern businesses, affecting their profits, their reputation and, in some cases, the safety of their consumers. But, so persistent is the threat – particularly online – that it can be difficult for companies to know where to start.

From preparing the business case to putting the right kinds of support in place, this white paper sets out five steps to success, and provides answers to some frequently asked questions, including:

  • What is anti-counterfeiting – and is it a criminal offence?
  • Why do I need an anti-counterfeiting strategy?
  • What kind of products are at risk of counterfeiting?
  • How do I record trademarks with customs?
  • Someone is trafficking counterfeit copies of my products, what can I do?
  • How should I measure success?

Find out the answers to all these questions in our white paper, which can be downloaded below. 

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FAQ Merkontwikkeling

Het is van cruciaal belang om de bescherming van uw intellectueel eigendom (IE) goed te waarborgen bij het ontwikkelen van uw merkstrategie. Maar waarom is dit zo belangrijk? Welke IE-rechten spelen hierbij een rol, wat zijn de belangrijkste stappen die u moet nemen om uw merk effectief te beschermen en n wat als u een beperkt budget heeft?
Door Novagraaf Team,
FAQ Merkontwikkeling

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