Defining an IP strategy will enable nascent companies to prepare effectively for their future growth. Colombe Dougnac from Novagraaf’s SME and Startup team explains where to start.
A guide to intellectual property protection for startups
Discover when, how and where to start when protecting a design via the European and international design registration systems with our practical guide.
Protecting a design in the EU: A practical guide
Reinforce your business's foundation by boosting your intellectual property (IP) awareness and knowledge. Join us to explore the fundamentals of IP law in a comprehensive and practical webinar.
[Webinar] Master the basics of IP: Unlock the power of your intellectual property
Intellectual property (IP) law is a dynamic and complex field of law. In this article, Valerie Annan gets back to the basics of IP education with a guide to the most important areas of IP law.
IP education: Master the basics of intellectual property
On 1 January 2024, new rules will come into effect concerning the UK IP Address for Service. With recent updates to regulations for IP professionals and also the end of supremacy of CJEU case law in the United Kingdom, Luke Portnow explains what's changing and what it means for IP rights holders and trademark professionals operating in the UK.
Important update on UK IP address for service regulatory rules
Patents, trademarks, designs and other forms of intellectual property (IP) play a key role in the success of all modern businesses.
Capturing value: IP as a driver for investment
Discover why blockchain and IP are such hot topics, and why you should timestamp your IP rights using blockchain technology.
Blockchain and IP: Time to timestamp your IP rights?
The proposed EU design reform package seeks to rejuvenate, harmonise and modernise a system that was originally implemented 20 years ago. Anne-Catherine Schihin sets out its main objectives, including the green goals of the new repair clause.
EU design reform – A modernising proposal with sustainability goals
Component parts of complex objects that are not visible during ‘normal use’ of the object do not enjoy design protection in Europe. But what constitutes a component part of a complex object? Volha Parfenchyk shares a recent ruling by the EU General Court that provides some clarification.
Design protection in Europe: What constitutes a component part?
The international systems for trademark and design protection continue to expand with Brazil the latest country to file an instrument of accession to the design protection system and Mauritius acceding the trademark system. The more countries that join the systems the better for companies that operate internationally.
Brazil joins Hague Agreement; Mauritius joins Madrid System
It’s possible to protect the shape of a new product through trademark, design and copyright law. However, in reality, design law and copyright are generally the most applicable.
How to protect a shape: 3D trademark, design law or copyright?
In response to recent uncertainty around the need for a UK address for service (AFS) for UK trademarks and designs, the UKIPO issued a Tribunal Practice Notice on 25 January 2023. Vanessa Harrow sets out the changes and offers practical advice for affected rights holders.
UKIPO practice direction on address for service: what does it mean?