More than 18 months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the war continues to ravage the region. Marion Mercadier considers the situation from a trademark law perspective by examining related trademark refusals and registrations.
Trademark refusals, registrations and the war in Ukraine
With many interrelated legal and commercial risks to negotiate and overcome, establishing an efficient and effective brand development strategy is easier said than done. Watch our recent webinar for practical insights on how to mitigate and manage legal and commercial challenges in a cost-effective and commercially focused way.
[Webinar] Failure to launch? Designing a brand development strategy that overcomes legal and commercial risks
IP rights provide an invaluable means for protecting the heart and soul of a brand. That's why identifying what trademarks to protect and proactively maintaining those rights is so crucial to the brand development process, says Trademark Attorney Laura Morrish.
The importance of IP strategy in the brand development process
Discover why blockchain and IP are such hot topics, and why you should timestamp your IP rights using blockchain technology.
Blockchain and IP: Time to timestamp your IP rights?
Thanks to AI art generators, it’s easier to be ‘creative’ than ever before, but who owns the copyright for art that has been created by a machine? Niké Mion examines recent case law on artificial intelligence and copyright.
Artificial intelligence and copyright: Who owns AI-generated images?
Trademark availability and clearance checks are a vital part of the brand development process. Mona Asgari explains how to build a strong IP foundation for brand development from identifying IP assets to trademark clearance searching.
Trademark clearance and brand development decisions
Discover five key things you need to know about the Unitary Patent, Unified Patent Court and today's European patent landscape.
[Webinar] 5 things you need to know about opt-outs, European patents and the Unified Patent Court
Domain names are a valuable commercial asset for many companies and an important element of their IP portfolios. However, protecting domain name rights requires knowledge of completely different enforcement systems, such as the WIPO UDRP.
In a nutshell: The WIPO UDRP for domain name disputes
Tracking and recording decisions relating to new trademarks and branding is a vital but often overlooked part of the IP management process. In the first article of our new series on brand development, Vanessa Harrow explains why and offers a practical guide on where to start.
Trademarks and branding: Why you should be tracking your brand development decisions
Trademark renewals must be instructed in a timely manner to ensure compliance with relevant deadlines and formalities. To facilitate this process for our clients, Novagraaf has added a new ‘reminder’ function for unsent instructions to the renewals module of its IP portal EasyIP.
Trademark renewal instructions pending? New ‘reminder’ functionality added to EasyIP
On 13 June 2023, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) published a long-awaited communication regarding the conditions for suspending China trademark review cases. Carole Roger outlines its implications.
China trademark news: CNIPA issues conditions for suspending trademark reviews
Counterfeiting and piracy are constant challenges for brand owners in both online and offline channels. The Anti-counterfeiting Benchmarking Report released by the International Trademark Association (INTA) in May provides valuable insights and counterfeiting statistics that illuminate the scale of the problem and the resources necessary to address it.
Counterfeiting statistics reveal brand owner battle against fake goods