With trademark attorneys uniquely placed at the cross-section of legal, product and business consulting, a broader range of skills is required to support clients and adapt to new industry trends and technologies. Little wonder this year’s MARQUES conference takes as its theme the ‘many traits of the trademark expert’, says Luke Portnow.
MARQUES conference 2024: Trademarks, traits and trust
IP isn’t always the first priority for a business preparing for an initial public offering (IPO); however, the sooner you start thinking about your IP assets, the better prepared you’ll be.
Preparing for an IPO? Don’t overlook your IP assets
Connecting trademarks and brands can enable IP owners to identify ways to save costs and build value. Maartje Broekmans explains how to match trademark and brand portfolios, assess gaps in protection and build a brand hierarchy with an IP audit.
Match, gap and build a brand hierarchy with an IP audit
Marketing teams and their legal advisers naturally differ in their approach to brand and trademark creation. The former often preferring product names that their more risk-averse legal colleagues consider too ‘descriptive’ from a trademark perspective. How do you find the right balance?
Brand and trademark creation: More than a description
How effective is your trademark portfolio? Discover how a trademark audit can support brands with an international presence or global expansion plans.
How a trademark audit can support a global brand
Discover what the trademark strategies of UEFA, Wimbledon, the Tour de France and the Olympics can tell us about the role of intellectual property in sports.
Intellectual property in sports: The race for trademark protection
At the ECTA Annual Conference last month, Ingrid Mennens, Managing Director of Novagraaf Belgium, shared her insights on the hot topic of AI and IP. Here, we summarise some of the key talking points from her presentation.
AI and IP: Taking an intelligent approach to trademarks
Defining an IP strategy will enable nascent companies to prepare effectively for their future growth. Colombe Dougnac from Novagraaf’s SME and Startup team explains where to start.
A guide to intellectual property protection for startups
Achieving sufficiency of description can be challenging for patent applications for AI inventions. What can we learn from the EPO Guidelines for Examination?
AI inventions: The importance of description, EPO Guidelines and practical considerations
Is posting a mark merely communication, or does it constitute actual evidence of use? We examine a recent EU ruling on trademarks and social media.
Trademarks and social media: Simply communication or evidence of use?
It cannot have escaped your attention that the Summer Olympic Games will start this 26 July in Paris, followed by the Paralympic Games on 28 August 2024. We’ve recapped the main IP dos and don’ts below to help you prepare your branding strategy for this important global event.
The IP dos and don’ts of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
Amazon is to become the first online marketplace to join the IP Enforcement Portal (IPEP), a centralised platform created by EUIPO to exchange information related to IP enforcement.
Amazon joins the EUIPO IP Enforcement Portal